Awarding Scholarships for Over 110 Years
Former Scholarship Recipient
About Us
The Westerly College Club was founded in 1910 to
promote fellowship among women in the Westerly area with a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university
make worthwhile contributions to the cultural and civic life of the community
award scholarships to applicants who meet the qualifications established by the members
For more information, please click on one of the links below.
Scholarships are granted for the sophomore, junior, or senior year. Applicants must have completed at least one full year of college.
Applicants must be residents of Charlestown, Hopkinton, Richmond, or Westerly, RI, or the Connecticut border towns of Stonington or North Stonington. They also must be applying for funds to finance a Bachelor's degree at a four-year accredited institution.
Members of the Westerly College Club are dedicated to raising scholarship funds, as well as offering a variety of informative and educational programs at club meetings for members and invited guests. Club members have successfully met several challenge grants to grow the scholarship endowment fund and have held various fundraising events.
Thanks to the generosity of our members and donors, the Club, in the past 5 (2020-2024) years, has awarded 99 scholarships for a total of $207,750. For more information about WCC scholarships, visit the Scholarships page.
The Rhode Island Foundation Fund is an Endowment, thus donations are invested and endowment rules govern how much is designated for scholarships each year. Donations made directly to the Westerly College Club may be used in their entirety to provide scholarships for the year they are donated.
You, too, can help area students by sending a tax-deductible donation to The Westerly College Club, Inc., P.O. Box 1342, Westerly RI, 02891-1342, or by donating via the Lois Hamilton Fontaine Scholarship Fund of the Westerly College Club, Inc at the Rhode Island Foundation.
The Westerly College Club is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Membership is open to any woman who maintains a residence in, or in the vicinity of, Westerly, RI, who has been awarded a Bachelor's or higher degree and is sponsored by at least one member in good standing.
Prior to being approved for membership, an applicant must attend at least one general membership meeting as the guest of her sponsor and fill out an application.
Your sponsor will provide you with a link to our membership application. If you would like to join, but do not have a sponsor, please contact us.
Membership meetings are held monthly from October thru May. They are generally on the first Wednesday of the month. Regular meetings are currently held at St. Clare's Parish Hall in Westerly. They include a buffet luncheon and a program on a topic of interest to the members. Guests may attend these meetings when space is available. The January meeting is always a chance to meet the current scholarship winners.
The Annual meeting is held the third Wednesday in May. This is a member only meeting and is for the purpose of electing officers, receiving summaries of the year's accomplishments, and receiving the status of the LHF Scholarship Fund.
A Holiday Gala replaces the December meeting and a field trip to a fascinating venue in the Rhode Island/Eastern Connecticut area replaces the April meeting.
Fundraisers are often held in September but may be held anytime throughout the year.